Friday, August 19, 2011

Sticker Chart

I wanted to post what helps keep me motivated.  I think we are all kids at heart and whatever motivation worked as kids will still work as adults.  Who doesn't love stickers??  I use stickers to reward my kids all the time.  They love to show me stickers they got at school or from doctors' offices etc.  It gives them that little boost for a job well done.

I created a chart to track my weight and exercise progress.  I have it broken down in weeks as I'm also using it as a countdown to a cruise my family is taking in February.  (That's my other motivation :)) So on the far left I have week # which is how many weeks until my cruise along with the dates for that week.  Then the next column has the month.  The next 7 columns are for the days of the week, Sun - Sat.  The top number is the days left until my cruise and the bottom number is the date.  I pencil in my weigh ins and any notes.  I also have highlighted my first 5k that I registered for yesterday!!  (eeek!) 

So, I bought a pack of smiley face stickers (and praying that my boys don't find them!) and I put a sticker on each day that I walk/run or exercise in general.  It really helps to see when I've exercised and motivates me to get up and go the next day. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the sticker chart. Considering one for myself.
