Sunday, November 6, 2011

A New Beginning & Other Ramblings

So, after posting the video I came across on Friday, I have read almost all of this guy's blog. His story is definitely about losing weight but it is more importantly about DOING LIFE.  He blogged every day.  He ate well, excercised a lot, and had great friends that did it right beside him.  He made his journey about experiencing life.  His feelings about being fat and over weight are a lot of how I feel.  So, with the start of a new week, I'm going to start doing life.  I am very tired of being inspired for a week and feeling great and then the enthusiasm wears off. 

It's funny, I have some great friends that will ask me if I worked out today and send me some ideas of how to get my workout in.  But you know what?  That actually demotivates me.  Is that weird?  It shouldn't be that way, right?  That should make me want to work out, right?  Why is that when I'm asked about it and told I should, I just want to sit on the couch and do nothing?  Is it because it has to be my choice??

So, after seeing a few blogs and getting inspired (I'm kinda sick of that word, lol) I think the thing I like most about some of the blogs are pictures and videos.  Those keep everything real, I think.  So, as much as I hate, despise pictures of myself, I'm going to start doing it more.  I'm going to take progress pictures and maybe some video.  I do think it will be awesome to look back on everything.

I also find myself saying things like, well this guys doesn't have kids, doesn't work so he has so much time to go work out and "do" life, but those are just excuses.  There are people that have much busier lives than me and they do so much more than I do. 

So, I'm getting back on this doing life thing and let's hope it sticks this time.  lol  It will stick this time.


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