Friday, May 17, 2013

Make that Swimsuit my Bitch!

Wow!  It looks like it's been over a year since me and Kristie have been here.  A lot has happened in the past year or two.  I'm still fat! lol So not a whole lot on that front has changed. I say that with love and sarcasm because, well, that's how I cope.  Kristie and I are still BFFs and try to get together every week but I'll let her talk about herself if she sees this and decides to start blogging again. :)

I'm not sure why I am back here except to start documenting/journaling again.  I do a lot better when I get my thoughts out.  So, I'm not really concerned if anyone reads this or hates it...this is purely for my own benefit.

Where am I exactly?  I have probably gained a few pounds since I last posted and I am miserable.  My back has been killing me.  Like really hurting! I know I need another lumbar injection but to be honest I don't want to live off of those for the rest of my life. 

I re-joined my local gym last year and loved going.  I discovered Zumba and as crazy as I probably look and as uncoordinated I am, I really liked it.  It was fun to just go and shake your booty and burn some calories.  There is one particular instructor that I love but that means her class is always packed because everyone else loves her too!  I modified it slightly to accommodate my back but it still hurt and even caused my left hip to hurt.  I am used to my right hip hurting but the left side was new.  So, I had to put that on the back burner.  But I hate walking on a treadmill so you know what that means?  I haven't been to the gym in months!

So, I've been researching and talking to a few personal trainer friends.  I've known the advice they were telling me for a long time...I need to get in the pool.  You can do strength, toning and cardio all in one workout and with no impact.  My husband has been telling me forever that I need to get in the pool.  I joined this particular gym because they have an indoor pool.  I even bought a workout swimsuit.  But have I actually ripped the tags off the swimsuit or stepped foot in the pool?  Nope.  Why? Because I can't get over myself.  I sound like a big whiny baby.  I have this fear that the pool with be filled with all of these in shape people in their little swim suits staring at me and wondering what in the hell I'm doing there.  I've been going to the gym long enough that I know people won't be judging me.

I confided in a few friends and asked for them to hold me accountable and I knew they would have the right things to say to me.  All of them were encouraging and reassured me that  I could do this and one of them gave me the best advice off all....get in there and make the swim suit my bitch.  LOL That's just what I needed to hear.  I need to just do it.  I got my swimsuit out this morning and took the tags off and washed it.  I'm planning on picking my oldest up from school at 2:30 today and taking all three crazy kids to the gym with me.  I'm going to pay the crazy $15/kid/month fee and put them in the kids club and and I'm going to make that swim suit my bitch dammit!

I did take a picture of me in the there's nothing to hind behind swimsuit and will post that once I get it off of my phone and onto my computer.  Who knows? Maybe by the end of summer I can take an after summer picture and really see the difference.