Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Fell off the wagon this last week and a half.

Gained 1.4 lbs (:( ) last week and probably more this weekend,

Back on the wagon tomorrow!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Talk about a bad day!  Gracie is sick (possibly the stomach bug) and I had an awful day eating wise!!

My daily logs looks like this -
Morning - 1 cup Chex Rice Cereal  = 3 points
Midday- 6 McD's chicken nuggets + small fry = 14 points
Dinner - 7 Wings Stop wings + small fry = 42 points!!!!!! :(

Daily points used - 59 points (I'm allowed 29 daily points and 49 "extra" points to use through out the week)

Ouch!!  That really looks bad!!  OMG I can't believe I ate that many points today!!  I'm really going to have to work that off this weekend!!  I'm just so sick to my stomach and there really is no excuse for it other than I was being lazy and I'm tired from not getting much sleep (but, that's not my excuse, there is none)

The good news is that there is tomorrow and I will do better tomorrow!  I want to see that scale continue to go down!!


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Weekly Weigh In {9/29/11}

Went to my weekly weigh-in this week and I lost an addition 1.4 lbs!!  YAY!  Which makes my total loss at 6 lbs!!!  Finally, I got a 5 lb star at the meeting so that was exciting!!  :)

I hope this steady downhill slide can continue!  I'm going to be majorly bummed when I have bad week.

This last month of September, Heather and I haven't been able to do our weekly walks on Sunday's because I've been working, but tomorrow that is going to change!  We are going to start our weekly walks and get back into starting our week off right!!

I'm so proud of Heather, doing this with her has held me accountable more than once.  She might not realize it, but I have so enjoyed going through this process with her.  I hope that I am able to keep her spirits up as much as she does mine in weeks when we are feeling a little down on ourselves.  We aren't in this for the short haul, we are in this for the LONG haul and that makes me so proud of US!!
